
Intelligent Packaging

Ensure products are genuine, have come from legitimate sources, are being sold in authorized locations, or are the correct consumables for your OEM system with Microtrace’s patented Summit Authentication Platform™.

One platform for total security

Using the seamless combination of a unique identifier, detection system, cloud-based analytics and reporting—the Microtrace Summit Authentication Platform provides the most secure, reliable, comprehensive and easy-to-use anti-counterfeit measures in packaging.

Unique Identifier
Detection System
AI cloud


Flawless delivery of key components for product protection packaging

Over the years, Microtrace has identified common pitfalls in the implementation of technologies for product authentication—and it usually comes down to there being a weak link in the process causing what could otherwise be a very secure system to be one that is easily compromised. That’s why Microtrace has developed the Summit Authentication Platform—eliminating system weakness by bringing together our deep expertise in the core competencies of a fully optimized turn-key security solution: 

Chemistry and material sciences

Application engineering

Detectors and analytics

Anatomy of a secure solution

Drawing on this experience in chemistry and material sciences, application engineering, and detectors and analytics, Microtrace knows the best authentication results are achieved with an integrated and optimized active packaging platform.

Microtrace’s recommended anti-counterfeit packaging configuration uses a proprietary, two-part authentication unique identifier, including a taggant and encrypted data string. The unique identifier is read with a detection system that includes a handheld spectrometer and mobile application. The taggant and data stringdata is processed using sophisticated AI and analytical methodologies, which produce real-time brand reporting that provides unparalleled insight on where and how your products are being used—or counterfeited.

Unique identifier

Detection system

AI cloud

High security without supply chain disruption

With your choice of smart packaging companies, why choose Microtrace? Collaborating with us, you will have the highest level of security without the headaches or challenges of implementation in your supply chain. The Summit Authentication Platform places a priority on managing supply-chain integrity, tightly controlling execution of unique identifiers to reduce variances that can otherwise result in security breaches. It’s the perfect combination of anti-counterfeit packaging technology, accuracy, analysis and insight.

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A full suite of smart security solutions

With our consultative approach for products and custom applications, we work with you to provide the highest level of security and the delivery format that’s needed for your specific goals and requirements.


Technology used for product security solutions

Learn more about the advanced chemistries and technologies behind Microtrace solutions.


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